Finding the best credit card for every situation will take time as there are numerous options available; especially if your credit score is good to excellent. Here are some of the best Credit cards available for specific purposes. So, make this the year to add a great new card to your wallet! This article can help you to choose the right credit card for your situation.
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card:
This is a great card for people who want to earn travel rewards. The card provides flexibility as it allows cardholders to use their rewards at a greater number of hotels as well as airlines directly. Cardholders can also earn 50,000 bonus points if they spend $4,000 within the first three months of membership. It also allows cardholders to earn an extra 5,000 bonus points if they purchase and add an authorized customer within the first three months.
Discover It Card:
This is regarded as one of the best cards for traveling without an annual fee. This card is one of the best because the card’s reward structure is very simple and straightforward. It will match the miles that cardholders rack up within the first year of membership which means if they earn 25,000 miles in their first year, they will receive 50,000 miles.
British Airways Visa Signature Card:
This card is well suited for people who want to earn airline rewards. Once a cardholder has spent $30,000 with Travel Together Ticket annually, then it allows them to use the Avios for any short-jaunt trips with their partnered airlines. With this card, cardholders can earn up to 75,000 bonus Avios: By spending $3,000 within the first three months, they can earn 50,000 Avios and if they spend $10,000 within the first year of membership, then they can earn an extra 25,000 Avios.
Hilton Honors Ascend Card:
The Hilton card is a great option for those that want to earn Hotel Rewards. Cardholders can get great deals at Hilton hotels. It also offers cardholders extra points for everyday purchases and provides access to the airport lounge. This card allows cardholders to earn up to 100,000 bonus points: By spending $2,000 within the first three months they can earn 75,000 bonus points and by spending another $1,000 in the first six months, they can earn an extra 25,000 bonus points.
Citi Double Cash Card:
This is a great option for those that want to earn flat-rate cash-back. This card also offers rewards for various purchases as well as paying bills with the card. It doesn’t provide traditional offers and the bonus provided by this card is that cardholders can save money which can be used to pay interest on another card.
Chase Slate Card:
This card is great for people who often make balance transfers because it’s free. The card also offers a long zero-interest introductory period.
Discover It Card:
This card is one of the best-secured credit cards available and offers a chance for cardholders to earn rewards. It also offers cardholders an option to rebuild their credit and earn cash back. It will match cash back during the first year of membership: If a cardholder earns $200 cash back then they can receive $400 as a bonus.
These are some of the best cards of 2018 from different categories to help you choose the one that best suits you.
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