Effective Date: 5/23/2018

Thank you for visiting My411.co.uk (“My411” or “the Site”) and reviewing our Privacy Policy, effective 5/23/2018. The Site is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. Please read the following Privacy Policy to understand how your information will be treated as you make full use of our many offerings.


This Privacy Policy describes the information that we collect from you and what we do with that information. This Privacy Policy includes information applicable to European Union (“EU”) residents or users accessing the Site in the EU. If you are an EU user, this Privacy Policy provides you with information regarding your rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Please note that we review our privacy practices from time to time, and that our practices are subject to change. We ask that you bookmark and periodically review this page to ensure continuing familiarity with the most current version of our Policy. All amended terms shall be automatically effective after they are posted on the Site and applied retroactively if you use the Site after this Policy is amended.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, please do not use or access the Site.


A primary purpose of collecting information from you is to provide you with a safe, smooth, effective, and personalized experience. We will only collect information about you that we consider necessary.

  • We collect information volunteered by users through the “Contact” link. We also may collect email addresses of those who communicate with us via email.
  • We collect limited information through cookies – discussed below.

Our servers log the standard non-personally identifiable information that accompanies Internet transmissions, like the date and time of a visit, browser type, IP address, and type of device.


“Cookies” (including without limitation “confirmation pixels” for crediting affiliate marketers are small files used to store, and sometimes track, information about you. They are sent to your browser from a webserver and placed on your device’s hard drive to assist us in providing our services. Generally, cookies help provide personalized services and promote trust and safety. Cookies will be set when you visit My411. These cookies are essential cookies, meaning that they are required for the basic functionality of the site.  By using the Site, you agree to our use of these essential cookies. If we place any non-essential cookies that track other personal data, we will get your specific consent.  Our cookies are only read by the server that placed them, are unable to execute any code or virus, and do not permit us to determine the identity of or gather any other personally-identifiable information about a specific user.


We use cookies to collect your IP address which is used to offer you links to services in your area.  We also use cookies to track clicks to advertisements on our side, but we do not share your IP address or any other personal information with our advertisers.


You may disable browser cookies in your browser or set your browser to warn you when a cookie is being sent.  You may lose some features or functionality when you disable cookies.  Remember, also, that disabling cookies is browser specific.  If you log on using Microsoft Edge, you must also disable cookies in Safari if you use that browser at a different time.


We only use cookies that are necessary and essential for the operation of the Site. The table below outlines the types of cookies that might be set by us when you visit the Site and why we use them.

Session ID Stores a unique site-generated identifier for each user, computer or device visiting the Site.  We do not associate this cookie with any other personal data.
User Experience Remembers your preferences, measures your activity and optimizes your user experience.
Website Analytics These cookies allow us to collect data relating to your use of My411.co.uk, including the content on which you click while browsing the Site, in order to improve the performance and design of the Site. These cookies may be provided to our third-party analytic tool provider, but are only used for purposes related to our website.
Advertisement Tracking These cookies are used to collect non-personal information about how visitors interact with advertising served on other websites before they arrive at My411.co.uk and which advertisements our users prefer. This information helps us deliver advertisements that are relevant to your interests, control the number of times you see a given advertisement, and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. You can opt-out by visiting www.aboutads.info/choices and www.youronlinechoices.eu. Please note, this does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic advertisements.
Website testing These allow us to show different versions of the same page or feature on the Site and then track to see which version performs best. We use a cookie to manage which version to display when you visit My411.co.uk. The specific variation that you will see is randomly chosen and no personal information is stored or tracked through this cookie.


We process your information for the legitimate interest of providing you with links to third party loan services. Processing your information for the purposes described is necessary for us to do what we do and it’s in both of our interests.  When we use your information based on our legitimate interests, we conduct a balancing test based on the legitimate interest, necessity of processing your information, and how such processing impacts you. We may also use your information to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, respond to your inquiries, detect and protect against error, fraud, or other criminal activity, enforce our Terms of Use, and for any other purposes that we deem appropriate.

We’ll ask for your consent before using your information for a purpose that extends beyond what you may reasonably expect from a website providing links to loan offers and that has a more significant privacy impact.


When you visit the Site you are sharing information (outlined above) with My411.

Please be advised that My411 advertisers or websites that have links on the Site may collect personally-identifiable information about you. The privacy practices of those advertisers or websites linked to the Site are not covered by this Policy.


The Site will not disclose your information except as described below:

  • Some of our employees and contractors are subject to non-disclosure agreements with us. These and other legal restrictions may prohibit their use of your information for any purpose except to facilitate the specific Site-related operation, unless you explicitly agreed or gave your prior permission to them for additional uses.
  • If you complete a transaction with an advertiser linked to the Site, the information obtained during your visit to that advertiser’s website, and the information you give, may be provided to the advertiser. Advertisers linked to the Site have separate privacy practices for which My411 has no responsibility or liability.
  • We may disclose information where we have reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who (i) may be violating My411’s policies as specified in this Policy or relevant Terms of Use, (ii) may be violating applicable law, or (iii) may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) My411’s rights or property, other users of the Site, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. My411 may disclose or access information when we believe that the law requires it and for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain and improve our services.
  • We cannot ensure that all your information or communications will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Policy. For example, we may be forced to disclose information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions of information or communications, or other users may abuse or misuse information that they unlawfully collect from the Site. We will try to protect your privacy; however, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your information or communications will always remain private.
  • We may in the future merge with other companies or sell our business or assets. In such transactions, confidential client information generally is one of the transferred business assets. In the event of such a transaction site visitor information may be one of the transferred assets and may be disclosed in connection with negotiations relating to a proposed transaction. In such case, the transferred information may become subject to a different privacy policy.


Transfer of Personal Data:

The Site is based in the United States and, regardless of where you access the Site, the information collected as part of that use will be transferred to and maintained on servers located in the United States. The European Commission has determined that the US lacks an adequate level of protection for personal information of EU data subjects.  By using the Site, you are consenting to the transfer of your personal data to the U.S.

Although there is risk in transmitting your information to a country that does not have adequate protection, we take steps to secure your personal data.

Your Choices:

The GDPR provides you with certain privacy rights.  If you wish to access or update your personal information, contact us at the address or number below.  You may also request to have your information deleted, although we may retain information for backups, prevention of fraud and abuse, satisfaction of legal obligations or other ongoing legitimate interests.  You may decline to share certain personal data, in which case we may not be able to provide you with some features and benefits.

Right to Object:

If you are an EU resident, you have the right to object to our processing that is based on legitimate interests by contacting us at the address or number below.

Right to Lodge a Complaint:

If you are an EU resident and you believe we have infringed your rights under the GDPR, please contact us via the Contact Us form, by sending a letter to 600 N Broad Street, Suite 5 #937, Middletown, DE 19709, or by calling us at (877) 838-7352.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in your applicable Member State.


Whenever the Site handles your information, we take steps to ensure that the information is treated securely and in accordance with this Policy. We use reasonable procedural and mechanical safeguards to protect your information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access and disclosure to protect your privacy, including encryption. Please note, however, that no method of data transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. We cannot, therefore, warrant or ensure the security of any information collected or from the services offered, and visiting the Site is done so at your own risk. Once we collect user information, we make our reasonable best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

If you choose to share your information (whether personally or non-personally identifiable) with any third parties, you are responsible for all actions taken with your information and therefore should review each third-party’s privacy policy.


If you have any questions about this policy or to exercise your rights as a data subject under the GDPR, please contact us via the Contact Us form.